Wedding in the Garden
Emerald sparks exploded in fireflies and spread a sweet smell throughout the garden. Meagan climbed the umbrella tree, from where she conducted an invisible orchestra all night long while plucking silver pears from passing clouds and tossing them to the dancing devils below. Brandon disappeared deep into the embroidered garden and rolled in the golden moss to return holding a crystal chalice filled with turquoise jello cubes housing tiny pink fish who flickered, "My god, its full of stars." The Gilded Angel spent hours under the chocolate fountain with mermaids offering her sweet fruits and humming Alain Goraguers Ten Et Tiwa Dorment. Moments of moonlight pierced the jeweled garden canopy just enough to illuminate a smiling Michael leaning against a rosewood tree who began to speak but was interrupted by a pack of wild eyed bob-kittens who had decided to become very startled by nothing. As Gnomes frantically brought barrel upon barrel of their finest wines, The Fiddler abandoned the devils at the umbrella tree to refill his glass. My eyes drifted down to the dew glistened grass where it began to distort and open beneath me. I slipped in and the pink fish smiled and flickered, "Success."

Love, isn't it weird?
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